Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dumbstupid Apple Store...

All I want to do is give you my money!

When we got our iPod shuffle, I wanted to get it from the Apple Store to show my support, but Target was closer and had them in stock. I couldn't resist.

We just bought an iMac yesterday, and I wanted to show my support of the Apple Store, so I went there and was all set to buy one, and it turns out they can't sell certain specially configured computers. That is stupid.

They work with the stock configuration. If you want an additional stick of RAM, they can put that in. But if you want a different size hard drive or one stick of 1GB RAM, they can't sell you a computer. If anything results in leftover parts, they can't do it.

Shouldn't Apple stock the stores with different configurations? The whole point of being able to pick and choose what items you want is that you get what you want. If I wanted to order the computer online, I could've done that from home.

Oh well, though. At least we got to play with the computers in the store. And we saw a very thin camera which was pretty cool.

And whatever, I'm happy that I'm (we're) getting a new iMac. =)


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