Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Word to Your Mother

Thursday, May 11, 2006

World of Warcrack

So we finally got our new iMac. Hence the lack of posting. I've been busy getting it all caught up with settings and programs and crap.

Oh, and there was also that World of Warcraft thing.

I can't... stop... playing.

Until our ten-day trial ends. Then I'll probably stop. Cold turkey. Which will suck. But until then? Well, yesterday, I played for close to eight hours.

It loads in one bounce. Less than one if it's cached. It's really cool to see the screen fading to black before the icon's even landed. Fast is good.

And the puppy's all like, "Let me out!"

Seriously, though. Wario is disgusting. I've never understood the appeal. Is there any?