Friday, February 24, 2006

So I listen to...

...a podcast called Spaceship Radio, and on the most recent episode, Andy Doan recommended a podcast called The Silent Universe. I haven't finished listening to the first episode, but so far I am very impressed with it, too (I'm about halfway through).

Andy compared it to Battlestar Galactica (which I haven't seen), but if you like that sort of thing, or any sci-fi at all and you listen to podcasts (or MP3s), give it a listen. You probably won't regret it.

I just can't believe this...

This dude died, and stupid people like this tarnish Christ's name, and the Christian faith.

We are all born sinners and have to deal with sin (in ourselves and in the world). The fact that these "Christians" are so blind to the fact that they are leading people away from Christ by saying that God hates anyone is appalling.

They need to learn to love homosexuals, just as we are told to love our enemies, prostitutes, shady tax collectors, etc. We're all human and we're all in this boat together.

Show some respect for this solider, and his family.

PS - How is it possible to be a nondenominational Baptist church? I'm Baptist, but my church wouldn't shoo anyone away if followed a different sect of Christianity, or if they weren't Christian or whatever. A church is made to be a lighthouse to all. Quit using buzzwords to seem more open than you actually are.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Excerpt from Class

Professor opens up brand new file.

Professor: Okay, so if I get ahead of you, stop me *right away*. Don't let me get three steps ahead of you.

Professor types "/" on the screen.*

Student: Stop! Can you come look at this?

* For those of you who don't know the first thing about programming, there are two types of comments. One begins with "//" and the other begins with "/*". Dude hadn't even finished typing. Man.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Virginians are scaredy pants...

...when it comes to weather, anyway. I drove 45 MPH the whole way to school this morning because the dude in front of me was being overly cautious.

Then, when I get to school, I am the only person there, save for maintenance people who are driving around, and an empty car with a snowed-over towing notice on the windshield.

School has a delayed opening. Which means no class today. Which means we're going to be even *further* behind. Awesome.

I think we got like... a half inch? Come on now.

Oh, and under *no* circumstances is an umbrella necessary in the snow. Especially in *this* sad excuse for snow.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I had the hardest time finding a good pair of jeans...

I got the coolest pair of pants yesterday. They're called Vintage Bootcut (by Mossimo), which means they're a little more flared than normal bootcut and kind of feminine-looking. Which is awesome. I like them a lot.

Thank you, Target.

Entries without titles are stupid.

Hmm... I'm looking for a MacOS X application that will allow me to post here without using Safari. Just because I'm bored and want to try something new.

Right now, I'm using an application called iBlog, but it doesn't allow me to add a title. Which is weird. It looks like it was released in like 2003 or something.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm really very sorry...

...but I can't help posting a link to the pantyhose cat. Poor thing.

Awesomest. Cat. Ever.

Creating links like: Click here is a violation of good web design.

So click it already.

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...

Man, it's so hard to blog lately...

One thing I've been wanting to write about was something cute that Renaissance did a few days ago. We went to Cici's (an all-you-can-eat pizza place) and we asked her if her pizza was yummy. She said, "It's delicious!"

I've been trying to get another job at work. Same company, different job. This schedule is killing me. It'll probably be at least another month before I hear back about the job I applied for.

And now, Mason's crying, so I need to make a bottle and feed him.

Monday, February 06, 2006

...and it scrolls like butter.

I've been looking for new content (as always) and been led to Hak.5.

The newest sketch is a Switch spinoff. I laughed quite hard.

(Sidenote: For those who don't know, Final Cut Pro will be released as a universal binary to run on the new iMac in March, so this is not a huge issue. Unless you like Photoshop running at native speeds. That won't happen until probably 2007. But Photoshop at 1GHz on a PPC processor can't be too shabby (which is what the 1.83GHz iMac has been independently rated at by Ars Technica). This, coming from the guy with a 400MHz G4.)

Mmm, chocolatey... pastry stick... thing.

So I've been meaning to post for the last few days about Pocky. I saw it on the latest (I think) episode of CommandN (they shot it in, of all places, a Japanese supermarket).

I'm in a hurry now, though, so if you haven't tried it yet, try it. It's yummy and cheap. Available at your local Wal-Mart for approximately $.98.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I've finally given up and started a MySpace. Actually, Renee gave up for me and made it.

But I've started using it a little. The interface is crap. The templates are crap. But everyone is on it. Most people anyway.

I'm trying to find *some* way to make it not look like a piece of crap, but not having any success. And I don't feel like expending any time and actually coding stuff myself. This is my main blog and I spend my time here. Everything else just links here. Except for my MySpace. And ignore the last month and a half when I didn't spend any time here.

So yeah, I don't have any friends on it yet, but I'm looking for people and requesting that they be my friend. I miss people. Moving away from everyone, dropping out of college, and having kids kind of kills your social life.