Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I miss friends...

I was just talking with a friend who's having some problems and I feel completely useless. It's been so long since I've socialized with anyone other than Renee and I just... miss certain people. I miss the way things used to be. I love being independent but I just... want everyone together... my old friends. I want to lay on the floor during a study hall and sleep until ten minutes before the bell. Or walk in circles because there's nothing better to do. I miss being weird and having weird people to be weird with.

I think I'm scared to make new friends because I don't even keep in touch with the friends I already have. And that's completely my fault. I think. Maybe it's just the way things work. We all get old and lose people. I choose not to think that way, but how is it supposed to work? Why can't I make any new friends? I feel like my mission isn't complete with the "old friends" so how can I focus my attention to new people? It just doesn't seem right...

Anyway, my reason for writing this entry is because I don't know what to say. Since I've been slacking in the keeping-in-touch department (when's the last time I've called anyone?) I feel fake giving my opinions to a certain someone (you probably know who you are since I haven't talked to anyone else). If I haven't kept up, what gives me any right to tell you how I feel? Why do I matter? But my intention was just to show that I still care. As cheesy as that sounds. I want the best for all my friends, even if I haven't had the time or motivation or whatever to call or IM or email, etc. If there's anything I can do, please just let me know...


At Wednesday, August 25, 2004 6:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how you feel Mr. LintMonkey. I want to have friends but I am afraid to get myself out there and make some. I wanna have friends who have kids so they can relate but its hard. And scary. I see an old aquaintance from school pushing there new baby around in a store and I am afraid to go say whats up. I dont know why. I feel tho that I am making a effort to keep in touch with my old friends.. just my problem is them not wanting to hang with me cause I have Genesis. Hopefully you can make some new friends. Hang in there. You will be able to be a kid again. Just hope Rena will let you hang with her and her friends :P
Billie a.k.a Loser.

At Saturday, September 04, 2004 3:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... Well, if it helps any, Jared/Noelle/Sarah ask after you a lot, assuming I have any idea where you were... and I generally wish I had a better idea than I do. You certainly haven't been forgotten by the people from high school, and everyone would love to hear from you.



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