Thursday, October 14, 2004

iTunes Rocks... (and so does our country)

I was just playing around on the iTunes Music Store and first I checked out the extended version of Apple's new commercial with U2.

Then, of course, I listened to the preview of an Ashlee Simpson song. Mock me if you must, but Shadow makes me cry.

And then, this is the awesome part, I went to the main page and saw Audiobooks of all three presidential debates, along with the vice presidential debate. So I clicked on one of them to listen to the preview and was curious of how much they want people to pay to hear the debates. And the price was free.

This is cool because not only does iTunes have the debates for sale, but they're also selling them for free! As much as our country sucks, at least we can still make an educated choice for who we want to lead us. Go Apple (and C-SPAN). You're awesome.

(For those interested, the first debate (which I downloaded) is 21 MB, and iTunes is available from Apple's iTunes page.)


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