Monday, November 15, 2004

From the Library...

A lot of things have happened since my last update. Right now I'm at the local public library which is pretty cool.

The biggest event has been my wife's car crash. She was dropping me off at work the night before Halloween and didn't see a car going straight and drove in front of them. I experienced the scariest moment in my life. I had gone to my locker and was walking to the time clock and one of the guys I work with yelled my name and I walked towards him (it's a big long hallway) and he told me that my wife was in a car crash. I asked him if he was serious and he said he was, that everything was okay and to go outside near the entrance. I get chills just remembering it. The feeling that my whole family could have been killed. And not knowing if they were really okay or not (people always say they're okay). I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling.

Renee got a broken rib, a contusion (a deep, painful bruise), and whiplash. Renaissance bit her tongue a little, and our Neon was totaled.

Renee is well on her way to being fully healed and Renaissance is still a little cutie. Now we've got a 2003 Mazda Protege. It's much better than the Neon (and it has a hatchback).

I still don't know when we're going to get Internet installed again. Renee and I were getting hopeful for this month, but then we remembered that we still have the Comcast bill to pay from our old place. So if we got it this month, we wouldn't really be saving any money. Which sucks.

Oh, and Renee and I saw the Grudge with our friends who came down for Renaissance's first birthday party. I beg you, do not ever see this movie if you have to pay for it. Unless you like "horror" movies that end up being comedies with really crappy endings. In that case, see it a bunch of times. Some quick thoughts: meowing isn't scary, funny noises aren't scary, what the heck was a hand doing coming out of her head and why didn't it do anything to her?, why the heck were any of the ghosts doing any of that crap?, what exactly was the crap the ghosts were doing?, why wasn't anything explained?, why was there no plot?, why was it rated R?, etc. Just... spare yourself the experience. See The Incredibles instead. It's probably scarier.

Now on to Renaissance's first birthday party. It was pretty cool. She dressed up like a little princess and had a wand and crown. She got lots of presents that she loves. My mom came down from NY without my dad. I don't understand that. Somehow cleaning the house when you're unemployed is more important than your granddaughter's first birthday. Apparently being unemployed takes a lot of time and he had to hurry up and burn everything in the house that doesn't suit his fancy at the time. He has no job. And a lot of time. The party was more fun without him there anyway, but he really needs to reevaluate his priorities.

Anyway, this is long enough, so I'm gonna get going. Hope to blog again soon.


At Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eep. I'm sorry to hear about the accident and really glad that Renee and Renaissance are both okay.

And The Incredibles is *fantastic*.



At Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi, Sucky on the car crash =\ glad everyone is ok. Nice on the new car though ;) much better than a Neon hehe. I may be getting a new car too in January. Looking at the Civic Si Hatchbacks (2003-2005 is what I want). My car just has problems now and then and it looks like I'll have a job in january after I graduate next month, but it'll be in Colorado Springs (160 miles total back and forth), so I want a newer more reliable car for that. My car is in the shop getting fixed now after its recent breakin (destroyed locks and passenger glass, stoeln stereo) so Im on a rental Focus *gag* BTW Im working for Apple now too ;) seasonal position. hehe.

Happy Birthday to Renaissance as well ;)


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