Saturday, February 26, 2005

"And it's just not a picnic without antiseptic wipes!"

So it's been a while since I updated. I've written a few entries from work, but they've all sounded dumb after I wrote them. I shouldn't write when I'm tired.

We finally broke down and bought Renaissance a toy box. It really rocks having one. Clean-up time goes very quickly at night now. Side note: the Sidekick is incredibly awesome. We read reviews on toy boxes while we were at the store and avoided buying the one that looks classier and is actually a deathtrap. W00t!

I know Renee and I have been saying we'd be getting Internet "real soon now" for almost five months, but I think it might actually happen soon. There's a good promotion going on now and it's only for February, so we might order it tomorrow or Monday (pending my conversation with Renee about it -- she's at work right now and I called the cable company for details after she left).

We'll also have to budget for a wireless router, maybe AirPort Express or an Airport card, and the SSH client for the Sidekick. All of which make me drool. I also want an iPod and the Belkin Universal Microphone Adapter to record classes in the summer. I wish I could win the lottery. Without playing.

As previously alluded to, barring any unforeseen circumstances, I'll be attending college in the summer. I haven't applied yet and the summer course catalog has not been made available and everyone there is ignoring my emails, but I'm going whether they want me to or not, goshdarnit! I need college!

But right now, I'll settle for watching Nickelodeon with Renaissance. It's going to be hard balancing family with work with class, but it needs to be done if I'm ever going to really be able to support my family. I already know Renee and I will be making heavy use of speakerphone when I'm in the car.


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