Thursday, August 26, 2004


The end of today has been filled with getting ready to go to Kings Dominion tomorrow... actually today. But yeah. Last Christmas, Renee's aunt and uncle gave us tickets to go, and we've been saving them until we could use them. Now, with me having a week off, is the perfect time. Renee's mom is going to "babysit" when we're on rides since she has a bad back and hates rollercoasters anyway. So it should be pretty cool.

We bought a cooler that I'm gonna use for my lunches, too. (I'm going to be making enough money to eat!) Oh, and just a random plug. Everybody should watch Dead Like Me. It's awesome. The first season is out on DVD right now and it got Renee and I hooked. The language isn't the greatest and the whole premise of the show is about gruesome death, but it's really cool. Really! I may write more about it later, but right now I need to get to bed. Night!


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