Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Happy Anniversary!

Today marks Renee's and my two-year anniversary. If you count the time we were dating, we've been together for five years, five months, and fifteen days. That's a lot of fives (and a one, for those counting).

Our Christmas went well. We got some awesome stuff and Renaissance seems pleased with her presents, too. We woke up at 7 a.m. and had our family Christmas, then went to Renee's cousin's house for present-opening with them and then to Renee's aunt and uncle's house.

We celebrated Renee's birthday on Christmas Eve and it was the first time we've ever really entertained family at our place of residence. I liked it a lot. It's a lot less stressful than going to a family function at someone else's house, since our place is baby-proofed and we could just let her run around (with the obvious exception of the Christmas tree). Also, it's been one of my low-priority goals since Renee and I got our first apartment.

On a geeky note, right now I'm hoping I can figure out how to get video mirroring set up on my PowerBook G4 without access to System Preferences. I'm going to try the function keys since someone thinks that might work.

But anyway, time for french toast. And donuts.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Odor Destroyers: Kills Foot Odor with Baking Soda & Zinc Oxide

I was getting a pizza out of the oven and for some reason, the oven mitt was paper thin (or thinner) right on the thumb. So now I have a blister. I made it worse because as soon as I realized that I was being burnt, I couldn't decide if I should put the pizza back in the oven, or if I should set it on top. That was kind of dumb.

Renee and I have decided to get a Sidekick II from T-Mobile. That would allow us to be on the Internet wherever we want to be (as long as there's service), and it would be slightly cheaper than Internet access from the cable company.

That won't happen until probably at least the middle of January, or maybe even the end of January. We're also saving up for a new couch, but we have a slightly higher priority on the Sidekick.

So anyway, woohoo.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

East Coast, West Coast, Worldwide!

So Renee and I had this great, money-saving idea to make our Christmas pictures of Renaissance. Renee dressed Renaissance in a nice, new outfit, set up sheets and moved all our lights to one side of the room and did a mini-photo shoot with her. When she was done, she was dissatisfied with the results and wanted to Photoshop a background behind her. I did some research on the Internet at work and found out how to do it, spent two and a half hours editing the photo (and Renee did one too), popped them back onto the camera card, took them to Wal-Mart and now I'm being accused of trying to make illegal copies of copyrighted photos. Wal-Mart sucks*.

So tomorrow, Renee and I need to go back to Wal-Mart (the one that was convenient to go to today, but will not be convenient tomorrow) and show them the original photos. And make nineteen more copies. I hope they're not a pain in the butt.

My brother, his wife, and daughter will be coming to visit us around New Year's, which will be awesome. Renaissance and her cousin can both walk now, so they'll both be running around our apartment wreaking havoc. It'll be so cute. The only issue we're running into is that everything is closed on New Year's, so we'll have to just rent a movie or something.

Oh, crap. The clock I've been looking at is an hour behind, so I only have fifteen minutes before I have to go pick Renee up from work. It's not a big deal, but Renaissance just finally fell asleep. I guess I'll go start packing up her diaper bag.

* But everything is cheap, so I will continue to shop there.