Sunday, October 24, 2004

Temporary Hiatus

I'm writing this because I don't know when I'll next be able to post. A lot has happened in the last few days and the next few months are going to be busy as well.

Renee and I moved the majority of our stuff today. All that's left is some little stuff and all of our furniture, etc. We are in love with our new place. Renee complained that the carpet looked a little nasty in the bedroom and all of a sudden, they're replacing the carpet in the entire apartment. That kind of threw a monkey wrench in our moving plans but we're working around it and we should have a newly recarpeted place by Tuesday at the latest (or earliest... I'm hoping for as soon as possible).

The other main issue we've been having lately is Renee's lost wallet. Which was found today (which is now yesterday), by my mom... in New York. State. This takes a lot of stress away, especially since today was the day I was going to cancel all of our credit cards. We called a gas station in Pennsylvania to find the thing for goodness sake. We were desperate, but I procrastinate and nothing had been added to our balances, so I still had my doubts that it'd been stolen/found by a criminal.

So anyway, Renee and I finally have a home (and not just an apartment, although it's that too), but we're not sure how our finances are going to work out yet. So at this point, we've decided to cancel our cable/Internet service at our current (old) place and not sign up yet for anything at the new place. It may be up to two months before we get it again (we want to be able to save as much money as possible for Christmas presents and stuff). But there's a library right down the road and it may have web access. We're not sure yet.

So the next few months will be filled with decorating and making the place even more home-like. Things may suck a little at times, but overall things seem to be going pretty well right now. I've got a job that doesn't make us filthy rich (contrary to what I thought before I got it), but we are breaking even for the first time since Renaissance was born. I've got a wonderful wife and a cute (sometimes excusably temperamental) daughter. Things just finally seem to be shaping up. The only void I'm feeling is we haven't really committed to a church in Virginia yet. But we're working on that as well. I guess the only thing I can say is we've been through a lot of tests in the last few years, and I'm sure more are coming, but I'm glad things are headed in this direction.

Well anyway, Renee's already gone to bed and tomorrow will be another busy day. So... good night. =)

Monday, October 18, 2004

How Can I Be Two Girls?

Or a better question, how can I be even one girl? (no answers, please)

Sunday, October 17, 2004


Lately I feel like I've been being my old self a little more. The other day I got up early and did some stuff around the house and thought nothing of it, but Renee was really surprised. And now I find myself thinking about weird things -- things like I used to. Science and spirituality and fun stuff like that (The Holographic Universe is a good example, but it gets more complex than that; I was going to bring my Bible to work with me to read on my break even though I always feel weird reading it in front of people in a public setting, but I forgot it). I wish I could think of an example, but I know that this stuff never comes out right anyway and it just ends up sounding really stupid and/or obvious.

I used to do this thing called "thought of the day" on my old web site, and those thoughts have stopped for a while. I thought of one the other day and it made me laugh. But it was related to work and no one would get it anyway.

I guess I just feel like my old self and that's a really good feeling. Sorry this is a really random and un-developed post... but I need to get to bed.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Shameless Plug

If anyone is interested in, or has a friend who may be interested in a gently used PlayStation 2, check out my PS2 on eBay. It's in excellent condition and comes with a bunch of stuff.

I just don't have much time left for games and if I want to watch a DVD, I still have my broken PowerBook G4. So go look. Tell your friends. And have a nice day. =)

iTunes Rocks... (and so does our country)

I was just playing around on the iTunes Music Store and first I checked out the extended version of Apple's new commercial with U2.

Then, of course, I listened to the preview of an Ashlee Simpson song. Mock me if you must, but Shadow makes me cry.

And then, this is the awesome part, I went to the main page and saw Audiobooks of all three presidential debates, along with the vice presidential debate. So I clicked on one of them to listen to the preview and was curious of how much they want people to pay to hear the debates. And the price was free.

This is cool because not only does iTunes have the debates for sale, but they're also selling them for free! As much as our country sucks, at least we can still make an educated choice for who we want to lead us. Go Apple (and C-SPAN). You're awesome.

(For those interested, the first debate (which I downloaded) is 21 MB, and iTunes is available from Apple's iTunes page.)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Wired News: Jacket Grows From Living Tissue

This is really kind of gross. I'm not quite sure why, but it just is. Those with weak stomachs should probably not look at this, or at least not look at the pictures. It's not bloody or anything, but it is... gross. Yeah.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Gambit and the Bell of DOOM

So Renee and I took a trip up to NY starting on Friday morning and ending today a few hours ago. Renaissance is very sick of the car and so are we. We got to go to my niece's birthday party which was pretty cool. After that, we went to my brother's house for a few hours.

We got to see Gambit, who, due to his excessively violent personality is being forced to wear a giant red bell so my parents can always tell where he is. And wherever Gambit is, something is about to get broken or shredded or eaten, etc.

Anyway, we didn't go shopping before we left for NY because if we did all the groceries would go bad. So I'm gonna go and probably get ready for Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

E... L... MmMm... O! E... L... M... OoOo!

Sorry I haven't posted in like a week... ish. The 36 hour weekend really kicks me in the pants. And then when I get home, I just want to watch Blue's Clues. For two days. So now I'm about to start getting ready to go back to work. Really, I just need to shave. But I also wanted to post. Priorities, right?

So Renee and I sucked it up and decided to get a new digital camera with the money from her car being sold. We got a Kodak EasyShare LS753. We're really happy with it so far. We've been struggling by with a 5-pound 1 megapixel HP digital camera for the last two or so years. Longer than that, actually. We got it for free from Renee's mom and it's served its purpose well, but we like clarity. And speed. And a camera that you can hold in one hand. So now we need to buy a faster, more powerful computer to match our camera.

Oh, and I've been looking at X10 stuff for our new place. I want it to be all geeked out. I'll have to do it slowly, and I'm just going to dip my toes in the water at first, but eventually I think it'll be really cool.

Anyway, it's about that time... the time to shave. So I must go. And shave. Woohoo.

Friday, October 01, 2004

The Day the Movies Died

...the free ones, anyway.

I quit Hollywood Video today.

My friend and his posse are coming tomorrow to pick up the car we sold to him. I just charged the battery, so it's good to go, once it gets cleaned out and I check the tire pressure.

My 36 hour, three day week is just beginning. So expect no updates for the next three or four days, but who knows? I just might get bored. Or crave Internet. Or something.