Thursday, April 28, 2005

Something I forgot to mention...

I updated my Atom feed, so now it should be more compatible with whatever aggregator you use. It should work as RSS or Atom now. If anyone other than myself actually subscribes to my blog.

However, if you do subscribe, please update your link to my RSS feed, as it has changed. The URL is now:

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

No, no, no, no...

I just heard Don't Phunk with My Heart on the radio in the car.

Only it was the radio edit: Don't Ph-mess with My Heart.

I'll admit, when I heard them introducing the video on VH1 the other morning I was pretty shocked, but that was because the VJ didn't enunciate *at all*. For all I know, he actually did curse on TV. As soon as I saw the video info pop up on the screen, I was cool though. "Phunk" is the Black Eyed Peas' word. It's their thing. When I heard their old CD was called "Elephunk", I most certainly was not thinking "Elef***".

But they're a radio station and they don't want irate listeners with kids in the car, etc. who don't know the title of the song. But they could at least edit it a little better.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Why... people insist on taking the Blogger templates and modifying them to look like crap?

If you can make an improvement to it, go for it. Otherwise, just say what you want and don't screw it up.

Thank you.

I left noseprints on Juicy Fruit...

I love the smell of a fresh electronic device.

Also, I finally got a clue and realized that my most wanted feature of Blogger is built right into Google and I'm amazed that it took me this long to think of it. I even emailed Google about it and they said something to the effect of, "We've considered it and it may be included at some point."

They could've been nice and helped me think of this before!

Okay, I wanted a way to search for certain keywords within blog entries. Just clicking the links in your own profile to find people who may or may not have included the same interests in their profiles is not powerful enough to find interesting content. I wanted to find the people who are actually *writing* about the stuff I'm interested in.

So here it is -- Google this: " (search term)"

That's all it was! And I already knew that!


I've been searching for good podcasts and all I've found so far is crap.

I also wasted about an hour and a half of my life watching crappy vlogs.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I've seen it before, but it's just so pretty...

QuickTime MOV of RSS Screensaver in Tiger

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Life is Random

...been playing with Juicy Fruit for the last few hours, learning little tips from various web sites (e.g. triple-clicking Play/Pause takes you to the first track in your playlist).

I broke it once and had to do a restore, but it's back to normal. I was trying to find a way to put a bunch of music on it, then delete the music from the computer and just add a few more tracks. I'll keep trying.

Oh, and this sounds kind of ghetto, but I bought a four-port powered USB hub at a yard sale today, so I don't have to spend $30 on a shuffle dock. A USB hub was a better idea anyway, and at 1/15 the price of a dock, I'm not complaining. The thing looks brand new.

So now I just need to wait for the FM transmitter to get here so I can get full use out of little Juicy Fruit. Such a cute name.

Oh Crap!

Our perfect house isn't ours. We knew it'd happen and that it was too good to be true, but we had to try. Carpe diem, you know?

It's just annoying that the place was sold before we even knew it was for sale. Here's what happened: Renee and I have decided on a big neighborhood that we want to live in. We've driven around it numerous times to get a feel for the types of houses/people that are there. The last time we drove past this house, Renee said, "Those people need to move out so we can live in their house." And then the next week, the house is for sale. Creepy, right?

Viewings of the house began on April 18, which coincidentally is the day it was sold. We didn't see it on the realtor's web site until April 19.

So, in the good news department, we finally broke down, splurged and got an iPod Shuffle! Apple, in its geniusness, made this thing conflict with the original iMac enclosure by about one millimeter. One stinking millimeter separates the contacts in the shuffle from the contacts in the USB port on the computer and makes you have to spend $30 on the iPod Shuffle Dock. Good job, Apple. Love you, too.

However, it does connect perfectly in my broken-screened PowerBook G4, so all the MP3s I wanted to put on there I just transferred to the PowerBook and did it from there. Renee won't want to ever transfer songs to the shuffle without the dock, but maybe someday we'll splurge again and get it.

I pre-ordered an awesome looking iPod Shuffle FM transmitter made by XtremeMac. It doesn't ship until April 25, though. I can't wait for it to get here.

Oh, and Renee gave the shuffle the best name ever: Juicy Fruit.

So anyway, today's the big day that Renaissance will be turned around in the car. She's becoming a big girl so fast. She can say blue, bear, mama, dada, oh wow, bye bye, hi, hello, bob bob (Spongebob), tiger, and probably some other things I'm forgetting. We hope it'll be more exciting for her to see mommy and daddy when we're in the car.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I want!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Whistle While You (Get Ready For) Work

The plans to build a PC for Renee may have fallen through for now. We were playing on a real estate web site like we so often do, and all of a sudden *the* house that we want is for sale. So we're saving all of the money we can muster just in case so if, by some miracle, we can have that house... we'll have that house.

We're doing that because we think it may have been a sign that the furniture that we've been making payments on for the last six months just disappeared after we finally ordered it, so we had to go for a different color (which will go with more things anyway).

So we sent an email to the real estate dude and haven't heard back from him yet. Hopefully things will work out, but we're not holding our breaths.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Quote of the Day

Co-worker: "Who's it written by?"
Me: "Douglas Adams."
Co-worker: "...from The Addams Family?"

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I like daylight savings time.

I didn't really appreciate the weather in Virginia until last year when I used to walk around the building on my lunch break at my last job. It was always so pretty out, even when it was pouring rain. Now that time has been adjusted, I get that same summer feeling.

Renee, Renaissance, and I went up to New York to surprise my parents with the latest news: Renee is pregnant again.

We went to my mom's work without telling her we'd be there. We set Renaissance loose from behind a little partition and she walked out in front of my mom's desk. Her boss asked, "Whose little girl are you?" and my mom stood up and said, "She looks... like Renaissance," and was a bit confused. Then, Renee and I came out from behind the wall and my mom got all excited and didn't even notice the shirt Renaissance was wearing. On the back, it said, "I have BIG news," and on the front, it said, "I'm going to be a big sister!" But we pointed it out to her and quickly showed her the ultrasound pictures of our new little addition.

We've already got the names picked out for a boy and a girl, so we're just waiting to find out which it is. As soon as we get the ultrasound pictures scanned, I'll put them up on my Buzznet.

Chrissy, a girl I graduated with, and her twins have been staying with us for the last few days. We went to the zoo together and it was really fun. The next day, they went to Chuck E. Cheese with Renee's playgroup, but I had to sleep. I hear they had a really fun time there, too.