Sunday, January 02, 2005

Five Days!

...until we get a Sidekick II.

I miss the Internet so much. And Circuit City is bugging me, even though it's not their fault. Renee's mom got us a printer, even though she knew we already had one. She bought it on November 12, so it was way past the 30-day return policy. She had put it on her debit card. All of this adds up to: we got a gift card and no real money. We don't want anything from Circuit City. We want money to put towards the Sidekick II. Real Cash Money.

Our visit with Brett's family went well. His daughter was sick with a temperature of 103 for most of the visit, but it was still very fun and they're talking about visiting again at some point, and we could take the Metro to Washington, D.C. to go to the Smithsonian. Which would be awesome.

But anyway, Renee thinks Renaissance might have a fever, so I need to go check on her.

January 7th! W00t!


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