If You Secretly Like Michael Bolton, We'll Know
This is a cool article, but at the end of it, it kind of feels like a waste of time. The gist of it is that scientists have no idea what they're doing.
Nevertheless, it's a cool experiment - to find out what people think of as cool. It is slightly upsetting that they jump to conclusions and say, "You're cool! We all worship you!" and then are like, "Hey, wait a minute. Woops, never mind. You're a dork!" They shouldn't overestimate the technology, and they shouldn't judge the results of the test before they know what they're talking about. It's absurd to apply labels to the test subjects the way they did. Especially when said label has positive or negative connotations. Science in its truest form has no bias. It's just a means to discover facts. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bias in this experiment ("cool fool"?).
I do like how the guy who consciously decided what's cool ended up originally being the most uncool of the three tested. But then he got all egotistical and was like, "No, wait! I'm the coolest!"
Ugh. And don't even get me started with carbon dating. Ever since I heard about it in sixth grade, I've doubted its validity. And this article is from 2001, for goodness sake. But do we hear this on the news? Do school curricula get updated? This is the first time I've ever looked it up, and it's the only time I've heard of it.
And here's a short site that I can't find anything else about, but it's a valid idea.
*sigh* I need to read this book. I'm in a mood for conspiracy and I'm feeling like people are too trusting. So much so that common sense is thrown out the window.
And in other news, when is the new dishwasher going to get here?!